Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring Is Coming

Welcome to St. Catherine's!

Worship is held every Sunday at 11:00 am. 
All are welcome.

This schedule will continue until May 5th, 2013  when services will return to the alternating flip-flop schedule until June 13th, 2013 when the regular schedule will resume. 

May 5   Grace Lutheran
May 12 St. Catherine's Anglican
May 19 Grace  Lutheran (service of the Word)
May 26 St. Catherine's Anglican (Pastor Bill Bulger, supply)
June 2 Grace Lutheran (Pastor Bill Bulger, supply)
June 9 St. Catherine's Anglican

Alternating services will start at 10:00 am.

Lenten Worship Schedule

MID-WEEK LENT WORSHIP CONTINUES… Come at 7pm to pray around the cross using short songs that are easy to sing, to listen to readings and scripture, and to be fed on the body and blood of Christ.
                   March 6    at Grace
                   March 13  at St. Catherine’s
                   March 20  at Grace

       March 24        PALM SUNDAY
9AM Worship at Grace… will feature the Passion Story for Children (of all ages).  During worship we will join the parade that welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem, we will gather with our dirty feet around a basin of water and a simple meal of bread and wine, we will go with Jesus to the Garden of Gethsemane and to his “trial.”  Finally, we will sit at the foot of the cross.

11AM Worship at St. Catherine’s… will feature the procession with palms, the reading of the passion narrative, and Eucharist.

            March 25        MONDAY … at St. Catherine’s
                        7PM  Stations of the Cross

            March 26        TUESDAY … at Grace
5-6:30PM   Individual Confession and Forgiveness (Please enter by the office door off the parking lot (knock first)   and/or  a time of quiet prayer in the sanctuary.
                   7PM  Healing Service in the sanctuary

       March 27        WEDNESDAY … at St. Catherine’s
5-6:30PM  Individual Confession and Forgiveness (Please enter by the door to the Centennial Room (knock first)  and/or  a time of quiet prayer in the sanctuary.
7PM Stations of the Cross in the sanctuary

            March 28        MAUNDY THURSDAY
At Edson United Church:
4PM  The Passion Story for children.  This will be like what we did on Palm Sunday at Grace, but will also include craft projects.
                                    5:15PM Family Potluck

                        At St. Catherine’s:
                                    7PM Worship including foot washing and Holy Communion

            March 29        GOOD FRIDAY… at Grace
                        7PM Service of Darkness

            March 30        HOLY SATURDAY… at St. Catherine’s
                        8PM Easter Vigil

                        9AM     Worship at Grace
                        11AM   Worship at St. Catherine’s